The United States Armed Forces is composed of six branches:
U.S. Army, U.S. Marine Corp, U.S. Navy, U.S. Air Force, U.S. Space Force, and U.S. Coast Guard.
There are over 1.3 million active duty personnel and over 800,000 reserve personnel.
There is a national day dedicated to all the personnel that currently serve in the United States military: Armed Forces Day.

National Armed Forces Day is on the third Saturday in May during Armed Forces Week. This day pays tribute to the military personnel serving in the United States Armed Forces. The idea for this celebration was for citizens to come together and thank the military members for their patriotic service in support of our country. It began on August 31, 1949, when the Secretary of Defense Louis Johnson announced the creation of an Armed Forces Day to replace the separate military branches days. The first celebration of this day was on May 20, 1950. It launched with parades, open houses, receptions, and air shows. However, it wasn't until 1961 that President John F. Kennedy declared the day as an official national holiday. Annually celebrated on the third Saturday of every May, it exhibits parades, exercises, receptions that honor the amazing military and all of its strength.
This Armed Forces Day is May 15, 2021.
You can participate in the national holiday in many different ways.
Here are some ideas:

- Organize care packages for service members or their families.
- Thank a service member you know or see.
- Wear red, white, and blue.
- Volunteer for a veteran organization that supports those who are deployed.
- Show support for those currently serving in the Armed Forces: Call them, Write to them, and send them a message to let them know you support them and respect the choices they've made to serve.
- Learn and discover about the history of each branch of the military, how it has evolved, and if your family has any military history.

- Decorate your porch or front lawn.
- Participate in an Armed Forces parade.
- Donate to veteran or military-based organizations.
- Show your support on social media.
