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Growth Mindset VS. Fixed Mindset

Updated: May 3, 2021

For a while now, I have known about these mindsets. I believe they are super important and can be life changing, if applied. I figured I should share my knowledge as well as my research on it. So, I started with recording a short video that's on my Youtube channel. It explains briefly what they differences are between a Growth Mindset and a Fixed Mindset. This article/blog/post is a slightly more in depth version of the video. I suggest both, but you shall do as you please. All links are at the end including my video! If you go to my Youtube channel, just remember to like, subscribe and hit that bell for notifications! ❤️

Now let's begin.

Dr. Carol S. Dweck is one of the world's leading researchers in the field of motivation and is a professor of psychology at Stanford University. Her research has focused on why people succeed and how to foster success.

There's two way to think about learning: the Fixed Mindset and the Growth mindset.

Some people have more qualities of one than the other. These mind sets are really important when it comes to learning. It is a concept that is sweeping the world of education and sports and others. It is changing and improving the way people learn. So, I did my research on what a fixed mindset and a growth mindset is. I saw many videos, which I link some below (if you are interested). Growth mindset is the belief that you have the capability to learn and grow. Fixed mindset is the belief that skills and intelligence are set. Either you have them or you don't. Some people are naturally good at something, while others aren't. This is a powerful concept that is helping lots of different people in lots of different places. I believe it can help us all. We are all human and we all learn everyday. People with a fixed mindset believe that skills are born and people with a growth mindset believe that skills are built. Born VS Built.

But something you need to understand is that you are not one OR the other. It is a sort of spectrum. It can change by the kind of day you're having or the situation itself or anything really. It's simply put: a spectrum. Now, that doesn't mean that we can't be more fixed minded than growth minded and vice versa. As I continue on, you can start to identify with one side more than the other. Any fixed mindset qualities that you identify with can hinder your growth as a person. So, even if you identify with more of a growth mindset, you may have a few fixed mindset qualities. We all do. This is something you can work on.

People with a fixed mindset believe that your intelligence is innate and unchangeable.

To them, failure is just permanent. They don't take critical feedback very well and may even feel personally attacked. Because of this, they tend to avoid feedback from others. They are more likely to choose easier tasks and put in minimal effort because the whole point is “why even try”. They are more likely to give up when an obstacle comes up. They avoid problems and creative risks, just because they don't want to seem dumb. Their focus is on measurable accomplishments and they like to document past achievements.

People with a growth mindset believe that failure is a chance to learn. They embrace feedback as a chance to improve. They are more likely to embrace challenges and work hard to improve. When an obstacles arrives instead of giving up, they see it as a challenge and as a chance to learn from it. Their focus is on the journey of continual improvement. They like creative risks and embrace problems. They believe that new abilities can be made with practice and there's endless opportunities for you.

A person with a growth mindset has their focus on improving and getting better. People with a fixed mindset focus on performance and their outcome. They don't want to look bad. So basically, they believe that you are not in control of your abilities. While, those with a growth mindset believe that skills and intelligence are grown and developed. You learn them. People that are good at something is because they put in the work. While others aren't good at it because they have not put in that work and practice. So basically, they believe that you are in control of your abilities.

The belief that you have and your focus have an influence on how you learn.

How can we change our mindset?

Now that you have had the chance to find what fixed qualities you have, you can start to catch yourself in the moment. Work on it. It takes practice. Knowing the difference between the mindsets allows you to pinpoint what was the reasoning for your fixed mindset at the moment. Maybe it's your focus, or belief or maybe you just don't want to look bad. Whatever it is, you can catch it and slowly start to change that "fixed" view.

Here are 11 Growth Mindset Strategies that you can start implementing in your life to change that fixed mindset to a growth mindset.

View challenges as opportunities.

We have to make important decisions all the time. These challenge us and helps us develop as a person. New challenges equal new opportunities. Look for different ways to challenge yourself and learn new things.

Prioritize learning over seeking approval.

Stop worrying about what other people think. When we are too worried about others, we miss out on opportunities to grow. Instead, focus on bettering yourself.

Focus on the process instead of the end result.

People with a growth mindset have a willingness to learn. That's why it's important to enjoy the learning process. One of the keys to success is to learn valuable lessons as you deal with unexpected challenges.

Cultivate a sense of purpose.

Keep your end goal in mind, but always look at the big picture. Is what you're currently working on part of a major life goal? If you often answer no, then take time to reevaluate your priorities.

Choose learning well over learning fast.

Learning cannot be rushed. You should be willing to make mistakes and experience challenges.

Making a mistake doesn't mean you're a failure.

Making a mistake simply means that you are on the right track. Don't get discouraged. just keep trying.

Learn from the mistakes of others.

Don't compare yourself to others, but watch for others' mistakes. Keep it in mind for when or if you're in a similar situation. Pretend that it was you making a mistake. Learn the lesson and apply it to your life.

Learn to receive constructive criticism.

Criticism could be a teachable moment, if you allow yourself to think about it that way. When someone pointed out to you, use this as a signal that you should work on this area of your life. Don't take it personally. Try to think of criticism as a way to learn and grow as a person.

Cultivate grit.

Grit is a perseverance and passion for long-term goals. So, this means you have the ability to stick to your long-term goals and the ability to keep going despite adversity.

Set a new goal for every milestone you achieve.

Success is an ongoing process. Constantly create new goals in order to stay motivated. Personal growth is never finished. There is always another goal to reach or another project to finish.

Remember that it takes time to succeed in anything.

Nothing worth doing comes quickly and easily. Be realistic about the time it takes to learn new information. Implement it and figure out what actually works for you.

To truly master something in your life, you have to be prepared to work at it for a long time.


If you want to learn more about the science or case studies. Check out this website:

Dr. Carol Dweck has books on mindset. If you are interested in them below are the amazon links to buy them.


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